Thursday, November 22, 2012

Sample Social Media Policy - Work On the Internet

I. Goals

To provide guidelines for how supports communication goals in social media.

II. Policies

offers support of practice communication goals, as well as provides guidelines for staff engaging in online discourse and identifying themselves with YOUR PRACTICE>.

This policy is not intended for internet activities that do not associate or identify a staff member with , do not use ???s email addresses, do not discuss and are purely about personal matters.

III. Definitions

Content owners, for the purpose of this policy, are those assigned the responsibility of maintaining, monitoring, and moderating a social media platform. Official communications refer to those done in ???s name, (e.g. a ???s Facebook page).

A. Content Owner ??? Assigned by department as the individual responsible for monitoring and maintaining web content.

B. Moderator ??? Assigned by Content Owner and/or department as the individual for moderating comments and postings by internal and external users, including deleting comments and posting that do not meet the criteria set forth in this policy.

C. Social Media Platforms ??? Technology tools and online spaces for integrating and sharing user-generated content in order to engage followers in conversations and allow them to participate in content and community. Examples are Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

IV. Specific Information

A. Official Practice Web 2.0 Communications:

1. Because of the emerging nature of social media platforms these guidelines do not specify every current platform. Examples include but are not limited to the following:
a. You Tube
b. Facebook
c. Google+
d. Twitter
e. Pinterest
f. Blogs

2. Representation via online social media platforms can only be initiated and authorized through the efforts of the by the permission of the practice owner or their representative. sites or pages on You Tube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. unless they are developed or authorized by the ???s social media manager/practice owner. Any sites or pages existing without prior authorization will be subject to review when discovered and may be removed.

3. Content Owners are responsible for posting and using content and maintaining compliance with ???s policy and procedure on behavior, HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and policies related to Conflict of Interest, Privacy, Security, Safety and Human Resources, and FERPA (Federal Education Records Protection Act).

4. Content Owners are responsible for monitoring and maintaining web content as follows:
a. Content is current and accurate.
b. Content Owners engage in communications that are acceptable in the workplace and respect copyrights and disclosures. Proprietary financial, intellectual property, patient care or similar sensitive or private content may not be revealed.
c. Content Owners are responsible for gaining the expressed consent of all involved parties for the right to distribution or publication of recordings, photos, images, video, text, slideshow presentations, artwork and advertisements whether those rights are purchased or obtained without compensation.
d. Content Owners are responsible for constantly monitoring postings and comments to social media sites, and for deleting postings that do not adhere to our policies.

B. Guidelines for Online Professional or Personal Activity:

Online social media allow faculty, staff, and students to engage in professional and personal conversations. These guidelines apply to staff who identify themselves with and/or use their email address in social media platforms such as professional society blogs, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. for deliberate professional engagement or casual conversation. These guidelines apply to private and password protected social media platforms as well as to open social platforms.Follow the same policy and procedure behavior, HIPAA, Conflict of Interest Policy, Privacy and general civil behavior guidelines cited above including respecting copyrights and disclosures, and not revealing proprietary financial, intellectual property, patient care or similar sensitive or private content.

Respect the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy requirements.

1. If staff identify themselves as a member of the in any online forum and/or use their email address, they must make it clear that they are not speaking for , and what they say is representative of their individual personal views and opinions and not necessarily the views and opinions of .

2. Before posting photos anywhere, ask for their permission, and be sure to have them sign our consent form???then properly file said form. If the person is a minor, their parent or guardian must sign the consent form.

3. respects an employee???s right to participate in social media for personal reasons during non-work hours. All employees participating in social media and online commentary???even on their own personal accounts???are expected to use their professional judgment prior to posting anything online that is connected in any way to our dental practice or to our patients, and to adhere to all office confidentiality policies currently in place. Content posted on personal blogs, social networks, wikis and other online forums that is connected in any way to our practice or to our patients should comply with our organization???s confidentiality and employee ethics policies. Any work-related comments should also be respectful and relevant in a way that protects the practice???s brand and reputation and follows both the spirit and letter of the law.

4. Staff should be thoughtful about how they present themselves as a employee in online networks. By virtue of self identifying as part of in such a network,they connect themselves to, and reflect upon, . If you are ever in doubt about posting a comment or image, don???t! Protect our practice and its reputation, and our patients??? privacy. Consider all content carefully. If you have a question, talk to our practice manager or with .

5. Even though you maintain and use your own personal social media accounts, your online presence reflects upon and reputation. Your actions captured via images, posts or comments can be considered by some as a reflection on our practice, regardless of whether or not it occurs during work hours. If you make comments about work, or work-related topics, please post meaningful, respectful comments that positively promote your role as a employee and reflect positively on your co-workers and team members.

6. Remember that all content contributed on all platforms becomes immediately searchable and can be immediately shared. This content immediately leaves the contributing individual staff members??? control forever. Always be kind, honest, generous, and genuine. Respect copyright laws and reference or cite sources appropriately.

7. Conflict ??? If you disagree with another???s opinion, do not respond until you have visited with our practice manager or with . In every case, keep comments appropriate, respectful and polite. If you find yourself in a situation online that looks as if it???s becoming antagonistic, politely disengage???then discuss this with our practice manager or with before continuing the conversation. Never participate in social media when the topic being discussed might be considered a ???panic??? situation???or, if somebody is clearly difficult. If you have a question, talk to our practice manager or with .

8. If someone or some group offers to pay staff for participating in an on

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